Saturday, August 4, 2012

Adventures in Tampa, Fl Fast Food Dining

Adventures in Tampa, Fl Fast Food Dining

     This is NO joke!  Today in Tampa Steph and I had one of the most "unusual" dining experiences ever.  We went into a chain establishment and I ordered a number 16 and Steph ordered a number 19.
The employee: Ok, a number 16 and a number 18.
Me:  No, a number 16 and a number 19.
Employee:    Ok, a number 16 and a number 17.
Me:  No, a number 16 and a number 19.
Employee:  Ok, a number 15 and a number 18.
Me:  No, a number 16 and a number 19.
Employee:  Ok, a number 15 and a number 18.
Me:  No, a number 16 and a number 19.
Employee:  Ok, a number 15 and a number 21.
(Me in my mind:  For goodness sakes at least stick to the teen numbers.  13 through 19.  At least get the teen right at the end!!!!!!!!)
Me:  No, a number 16 and a number 19.
Employee:  Ok, a number 16 and a number 13.
(Me in my mind:  Please just give me 2 sandwiches wrapped in paper.)
Me:  No, a number 16 and a number 19.
Employee:  Ok, a number 15 and a number 17.
(Me in my mind:  I am just going to start yelling random numbers out.  It can't get any worse.)
Me:  No, a number 16 and a number 19.
Employee:  Ummmmmm  and flapping arms in a snow angel fashion.
Second employee:  What numbers?
Me:  A number 16 and a number 19.
Second employee:  Ok

Second employee to first employee:  I need 2 large cokes for the drive-thru.
First employee:  1 coke and 1 diet Dr. Pepper.

Second employee to first employee:  This food is for the drive-thru and this is for them (pointing at Steph).
First employee:  (Startled that Steph was standing waiting for the food.  He forgot she was there.)  Here's your food.
Second employee to first employee:  That's for the drive-thru.  This other one is for them.

The entire time the employee wasn't talking to us, he was making baskets and baskets of curly fries.  I would bet that restaurant holds the world record for amount of fries used.  Basket after basket of fries in the frier and dumped in the bin.  All for Steph and me and 1 car at the drive-thru.  American business at its best!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

It's Been A Long Time

A lot has happened since my last post. Life has changed. My wonderful husband Steve has passed away. What a wonderful husband to me and father of our two daughters he was. He lived his life always thinking of others and putting himself last. He found his true calling after retirement from IBM when he became a teacher. He loved imparting his knowledge to his students. He was the most brilliant person I have ever known. Even though he had many inventions to his credit dealing with cryogenics, his true brilliance was his broad knowledge of a lot of topics. He loved learning and life. He was always so excited to find a new scrap of information that he didn't know. He dove into growing rare and tropical fruit here in Florida. We joined organizations dedicated to growing and propagating them and he loved learning and the people that we came to know in the clubs.
As I was mowing our back fields today, I noticed that Steve's persimmon trees were budding out and the citrus had new flowers and a new flush of leaves. It suddenly hit me with a physical force that he wasn't there to share the new season with me or our family. He wasn't there to share Amanda's joy on being engaged to a wonderful man. He wasn't there to share in Steph's new adventures. He wasn't there to tell me, "She is just perfect." Tears blinded me as I tried to mow. The tractor's roar covered my sobs. We had scattered Steve's ashes across our property but especially on the plants and areas that he loved the most. I feel his hand on my shoulder as I continue to mow. I know he loved us. I know he loved our life.
I hope I can continue to be a good custodian of our land. I hope that I can support our daughters as Steve would have. I will try hard. I miss him lots. He was just perfect.