Friday, March 6, 2009

Just For Lent?

A tv story is reporting that the Catholic church is suggesting that parishoners give up electronics for lent. Cell phones, i-pods, blackberries, and all portable distractions. This is to help promote individual thought and contemplation. If you read my blog "News of the Ultimate Outsourcing Or In This Case Insourcing" that I first posted on 12/2/08, you may wonder if the church is looking out for itself instead of its souls.


Purple Raider53 said...

This has happened twice this year already. A cell phone goes off during Mass. The priest always stops what he is doing and waits for the person to answer it or shut it off.

The silence that follows is awesome.

The Lord moves in mysterious ways.

Steph said...

Maybe people should give up crying babies in church for lent, too.